Sunday, 16 June 2013

Five Days In.

Today held some interesting situations that only could ever occur in the Babuk family. We are in the process of finding a church, so we attended two different ones today. The first was Church On 99, a church my mom descibes as "Hip and Happening and Young and stuff." The sermon was actually really good; he connected the advice that Jesus gave to John the Baptist to apply to fathering and parenting skills. But the church definitely had some twists. There was no parking nearby, so we got a golf cart ride with complementary gum:) They also had some kickin' worship music that just made you wanna have a dance party with Jesus in the pews (I mean, of course the bass dropped a few times, but thats fine by me:) There were SO MANY HIPSTERS. And also, today was their annual Father's Day Car Show, so what better way to celebrate than by the pastor riding a Harley straight up to the pulpit?!?
Needless to say...Molly and I loved it but dad was pulling a McKayla Maroney.
The second church we went to gave me and molly a chance to be unimpressed, but definitely was good for comparing reasons. We went to First Presbyterian Of Edmonton, where the population of the church is primarily 60+ and conducts the service in very old fashioned ways. Not bad for the people who go there, just not exactly the best fit for two teenage girls. The highlight of my day hands down was seeing Molly react to Dad introducing her to the assortment of people there who are much older than her. Lets just say that she made it pretty obvious that she didn't exactly want to be there:)
Being here in Edmonton is starting to grow on me slightly, but is still a rough transition. The weather here is much colder than I'm used to during the summer, which makes the transition harder, especially knowing that the weather back home is so lovely and sunny. What has been the hardest is allowing God to take full control of the situation that I am in. I have a hard time letting go of control of situations in my life, especially ones which give much stress and turmoil to my life. God is definitely giving me a lesson here on turning over my life to him, but even the knowledge of that doesn't make my life here any easier. Being away from my friends with not much to do here has really taken a toll on me. I have really struggled to find a solid, core group of friends in high school, so leaving the group that I found was more difficult for me than I think I could correctly put into words. I just have to trust that God knows what he is doing, and that he has placed me here for a reason.
My life verse has been my source of hope these past few days, and the promise that I have been clinging to so dearly.
"I consider that my present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed within us."-Romans 8:18

In his name,

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